Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mira, la vista padre!

"Look, what an awesome view!" This exclamation from an enthusiastic Mexican tourist pretty much sums up my day. I co-organized the first solo daytrip for the ND-Puebla crowd and it was a complete success, if I do say so myself.

As I mentioned before, we went to Tepoztlan, in the state of Morelos, for the day. After a few struggles sticking to our early morning departure, we set out with Driver David towards Cuernavaca/Morelos/Tepoztlan. I meant to nap during the ride but ended up looking out the window the whole time. The Mexican countryside is simply gorgeous, especially during the current rainy season (see previous entry).
Upon arrival in Tepoztlan, we said adios to David and set off to find the following important items:
1. provisions (never hike without snacks!)
2. bathrooms (even if it did cost $5MX each)
3. a pyramid

Upon approaching the trail to the pyramid, we scoffed at very serious signs warning about dehydration and the dangers of hiking with serious health conditions. After about 5 minutes, we were not so skeptical (especially the Midwest kids who have noooo elevation skillz). Although the hike was only 1.2 miles, it climbs almost 2000 ft in elevation. 

We are going to have thighs of steel tomorrow fo sho! But, as another wise Mexican tourist said, it was vale la pena, worth the effort. The view of the Tepoztlan valley from the pyramid was breath-taking and we were lucky to have a clear day.

After tumbling back down the mountain we found ourselves some food, pronto, and explored the Sunday market. We boarded the bus home with our prizes from the market and everyone was asleep in 10 minutes flat. My best find at the market was a bag of weird fruit called lychees (they taste a bit like grapes).

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Looks like you had an amazing adventure this weekend (like my Glee Club shirt says... "AMAZING EXPERIENCE.") Baha. Also that fruit looks like an alien but I'm sure it was dee-licious.

    You are a pro blogosaurus; I love reading about your exciting Mexican life! And I finally registered for a blog (haven't started it yet, tho. whoops) so I can leave obnoxious comments like this! ;) Miss you! xox
