Lesson of the day: it is, in fact, possible to board an ADO bus in Mexico without a ticket, although this is not the suggested approach.
You board the bus, well-prepared with books, snacks, water, music, Dramamine and a barf bag. Ten of the 15 hours are on serpentine mountain roads. After about 14 hours, you are roused from a restless sleep and told to get off the bus; this is the end of the line. It turns out that there's a roadblock and the bus can't go any farther. You're going to have to take a taxi to the roadblock, trek through town with your luggage and find your way to Puerto Escondido on the other side. You might make another LOOK MAMA GRINGOS scene as you tromp through town in rolled up sweatpants and tube socks. Nice work Tube Socks. But don't worry, the roadblock protest will probably be over by the time you return on Tuesday.
Ok, enough imagining. This is real.
- Breakfast on the beach. The sun was blazing at full strength by about 8:30, so it was worth getting up early to take advantage of the few minutes between sunrise and furnace mode.
- SUNSCREEN. This is an important step and not optional.
- Play in the waves. I didn't actually try surfing, but got my fill of riding waves on a boogie board and body surfing. My sinuses definitely got cleared out and I think there's still sand in my ears from being tossed around in the ocean.
- Nap on the beach. This really only lasts for a few minutes before you realize that you forgot to re-apply sunscreen. Hello, skin cancer!
- Cool off in the ocean.
- Order a drink (lemonade, of course. Don't worry Mama Redline).
- Nap in a hammock.
- Repeat until the sun goes down.
- Dinner on the beach.
- Ice cream. Of course.
- Mexican street dogs, like Mexican teenagers, find no shame in making sweet, sweet love on the public beach (this is only a slight exaggeration). On a related note, you should not feed said stray dogs crackers and peanut butter unless you really want a shadow for the rest of the day that will rub it's greasy self on you and chase off would-be vendors for free.
- Don't pick the seat near a slightly obese elderly man on the 15-hour bus. He WILL snore.
- Don't expect mainstream movies on the bus. Instead, you should expect bizarre movies about Russian roulette, mountain men, Valentine's Day, old men enrolling in university literature classes, and Hannah Montana.
- Oye. Abre tus ojos. Mira hacia arriba, disfruta las cosas buenas que tiene la vida. (Translation: Listen. Open your eyes. Look up, enjoy the good things in life.) Disclaimer: This is secretly stolen from a cumbia song. But it's relevant, so I stole it.
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