Monday, September 20, 2010

A Bit of This, a Bit of That


I had a dream in Spanish. It was neither profound nor worthy of analysis (and what dreams are, honestly?) but it was in Spanish. And that is all that matters. Fluency, here comes Olivia. Watch out.
In other news, upon special request, a brief commentary on Mexican views of Americans.
Disclaimer: according to me. And keeping in mind that it is probably very different here, close to the capital, than in the states bordering the US. Not every Mexican is trying to sneak over the border fence. Sorry FOX News.

The mood seems to be generally more positive than I expected towards the US. I have heard more than a few snippy comments about how Mexico is poor because they are selling all their crude products to the US and importing finished goods (think: petroleum). There are also the expected vendors who inflate prices as soon as they see my blond self or waiters who don't even give us the chance to attempt an order in Spanish and simply hand us an English menu. But they're just trying to do their jobs. American culture is embraced here more strongly than I expected as well. You have a better chance of hearing Britney Spears on the bus than of hearing Enrique or Shakira. Mexican name brands include English phrases such as "Big Cola" and "the Italian Coffee Company" is the Mexican version of Starbucks.

I have not, however, encountered much "America: The Promised Land" enthusiasm. I have met several people who have worked in the US or currently have family working there, but they present the situation with a very matter-of-fact & get'er done sort of attitude. I'm sure they're glad that their relatives have jobs, but they're definitely not in a hurry to follow. It might be partially because of all the Independencia excitement, but I have noticed that Mexicans have a very strong, healthy sense of patriotism. The thing that has always bothered me about American patriotism is that it often takes on a "Gooooo America, Suck It insert whichever country we happen to be taking advantage of at the time" sort of tone. Not cool. On the other hand, Mexicans are just soooo proud of being Mexican and love their country, despite all it's problems. There's definitely some smacktalk directed towards Spain, but they might deserve that.

Alternatively, Mexicans are known throughout Latin America for their sophisticated sense of humor. As in, you have to grow up with it to master it. So for all I know, there are criticisms flying right over my head. Whoooooooosh.

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